Snake Munch is another variation of a classic arcade video game "Snake".
As in the original game, your task is to control a snake, that should eat fruits, and not hit its tail or run into various obstacles, and, of course, the borders. You can not make the snake move up or down, it moves only to the left or right; to be more accurate, it even does not move, but spins clockwise or counter-clockwise. So you should be very careful while navigating the snake that gets longer with every item eaten. Besides fruits, you can pick up various pills, mushrooms, crystals, etc. They will bring you more scores, and surprise you. For example, the mushrooms seem to be magic, - after eating them you seem to start seeing hallucinations, i.e. the field will begin moving in various directions, so it becomes harder to play.
When starting the game you will be offered to choose a snake, difficulty level, and game level. Each of the 4 snakes offered has its own manner of moving. Among the 40 levels of the game there will be available only 3 at first. If you complete the 3rd level, the 4rt will become available, and so on. The developers created the levels in 4 seasons, so that the field would not become tedious. Moreover, the game has a built-in level editor to create your own levels, but it becomes available only after completing all the 40 levels; and 8 bonuses for more challenge. And, what is more, you can navigate the snake with a joystick if you have one.